Private Sessions

Are you ready to connect with and listen to the whispers of your body
so you don’t have to hear it scream?

Your Body is a Barometer

Your body is trying to get your attention. You know something is going on – but you’re not sure what it is or how to solve it on your own.

You are a logical, smart person with an understanding for intuition.

You should be able to figure this out for yourself, right?

Perhaps in the past, you’ve worked through problems and come up with solutions easily.

But your body just isn’t bouncing back the way you want it to.

In the past, when you experienced symptoms, you labelled them an annoyance, an obstacle.

Consciously or not, often you choose to ignore your symptoms in order to get on with your life, to accomplish the next thing. 

But . . .  the symptoms get louder, and more numerous. 

“Getting on with your life” has become more difficult.  You are becoming frustrated, annoyed, maybe a little deflated but . . . 

You aren’t the type to become resigned.

You have tried to strengthen and improve your core stability with weight lifting. You’ve got on your bike or treadmill only to get off shortly after your knees start making that clicking sound that drives you mad. 

You’ve tried meditation, breathing techniques, and/or mobility training.

You have even tried to reduce your work hours and alter your sleep schedule. 

You’ve worked on your diet, reduced your sugar intake and increased the amount of water you drink in a day.

Needless to say – you feel like you’ve tried everything. 

With everything you’ve tried, you had some relief, a little bit of change …
but no real change.

If you are stuck feeling lost, and your healthcare provider suggested that you just have to live with your pain . . . 

You don't have to live this way.

You innately and intuitively KNOW something is up but aren’t quite sure how to access it.  You KNOW change is possible, you just aren’t sure how. 

You want to keep and improve your lifestyle.

You want to feel better . . . and you CAN!

Working With Me

Oftentimes, persistent patterns of pain and other symptoms are highly related to patterns that aren’t ideal.

When those patterns are cleaned up, symptoms go down. A key to keeping the symptoms down or gone completely is to recognize when those patterns are coming back.

This is what I help you do. Be aware . . . pay attention . . . make change.

And there is more . . .

Recovery and healing are more than just your body

Especially with persistent, aggravating symptoms.

How Your Mind Interprets What Is Going On In Your Body Has Massive Impact

  1. Your mind can interfere in the process, or it can provide sustenance.
  2. Your mind can create confusion, or it can create clarity.
  3. Your mind  can be “power over” or “power with”.
  4. Your mind  can destabilize or synergize.
  5. Your mind can deplete or it can nourish.

So as much as this is a powerful process for your body. It is as equally powerful process for your mind, and how the body and mind integrate and communicate.

1:1 One Time Session

Get Clear on Your Compensation Patterns and Improve Your Brain-Body Connection (aka Your Interoception and Proprioception)

95% of the time, I work with clients in a 3-month series, and the way the calendar shakes out, there are sometimes open spots where I see people who are considering private sessions and want a taste of what it would be like first.

Before your session, my team will send you a body diagram – please follow the directions on the form and send it in the day prior to your session.

When we meet, we’ll chat about what is going for you and then move into movement, and breath. When we finish, you will have more awareness and clarity on what is happening in your body and a program for your next steps.

Sessions, when available, are on Thursdays between 6 am MT and 12 pm MT. Because these spots don’t come up often and I place value on my time, we do not provide refunds.

Please only book if you are ready to meet.

The private 1:1 session fee is $450 for an individual 60-minute session.

What Private Client Say About Working Closely With Me

“I was someone who had abused my body with sports.  As an athlete, pushing through discomfort is part of the territory. But then it became painful. The most articulate thing I could tell my podiatrist was that it hurt to walk. Constantly.

We ruled out some of the obvious things and had tried a couple of cortisone injections, which did work, to a point. When I heard Susi as a guest on a weight loss program podcast, I thought: “Oh, this sounds interesting”.

I started following more of what she did and my pain went down more and more.

As a 1:1 client, one of the things I love about her approach is that she asks amazingly good questions.

She really pays attention to what you’re bringing her, and how she can then take her skill set, in with the stream of thoughts I may share with her, and build that into a session.”

~ Ros

“What I benefited from was Susi’s view of looking at the whole body. One of her taglines is: “The pain is not where the problem is“, to which my first response was – “Oh, no, I’ve had this surgery. This is where my problem is”.

But as we worked together, I learned that my problem is more up my back, and in my head, and my jaw. Susi’s very keen on seeing where you’re compensating in other areas, where a lot of physical therapists aren’t. Whenever she says something, it just relates better.

She is really good at starting with the bare basics, yet allowing you to see the whole picture. All in all, I haven’t really found anyone else that does it the way she does it. Not even close.”

~ Trudy

Want to work together to reduce and eradicate your pain?

3 Months Series to Reduce or Eradicate Physical Pain and Get Back to The Activities You Want to Be Done with Strength, Stability and Ease

We meet 9 times over 3 months for 1 hour each, PLUS you get me “in your back pocket” for the full 3 months. What does this mean?

Between sessions, we meet on Slack (a secure messaging app) where I can answer your questions and progress your program. I offer this extended service because so often in the process of pain reduction and eradication, so much progress happens between sessions that needs to be celebrated and built upon.

And if questions do come up – whether about your program, your movement or anything, really – you can ask them in the moment and not wait until our next session. You have access to me each weekday to get your questions answered, to celebrate your gains and to be right beside you on this journey of health and healing.

There are a few things to know:

  • I work only with a handful of 1:1 clients at any one time, so I may not be immediately available.
  • All of these series are a minimum of 3 months, and many clients will re-engage for multiple series because of the gains and progress they are making. They really like the service and success they are having.
  • My services do not come cheap. You can find hundreds of yoga teachers and yoga therapists willing to talk with you about yoga and relaxation for a fraction of my fee. Why then do clients keep coming back to me? They love their success.
  • My services are not typically covered by insurance.

If you are ready for the next step, if you are ready to make the gains in your inner knowing knows you can have, then fill in the form, and let’s connect.

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Can you tell me what about my approach resonates with you? Have you listened to my podcast or followed me on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram?
Tell me about your symptoms and how growing your awareness would be helpful for pain eradication.
Do you believe you can be pain free? Please explain.
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